School Sex and Secrets III (School Sex and Secrets #3) Read online




  Brad, Ava, and I sat in an indescribable shock as we all stared at Marc, but this was not the only thing that was now on my mind. I tried not to think about it as I focused back on Marc and what he’d just told us because we couldn’t believe it, and it was obvious that there were a lot of secrets that he was keeping from us when it came to his involvement with Natalie after they broke up.

  “Well, start talkin’, man — we’re listening,” Brad said.

  Ava and I looked at Marc as his head continued to hang in shame. I really wanted to know what he had to say about this because all I could remember was him telling us that he had absolutely no involvement with Natalie after they broke up, and now there was obvious proof that he’d lied about this.

  Marc let out a sigh as he still stared down at the floor. “She wouldn’t leave me alone, guys. She kept calling, texting, and emailing me about wanting to talk. At school, she would even pretend like she was one of my friends just to get me out of class so I could talk to her, but I never fell for that because I knew it was her because of the way she wrote in her texts. One day, I decided to go over to her house and talk to her and I only did so I could tell her that I had no interest in getting back together with her. We talked and had a few drinks, I admit, but I wasn’t drunk and she wasn’t, either. She started crying and saying that she never wanted us to break up and wanted me to give her a second chance, and I told her that I just didn’t feel the same way about her as she felt about me. She then went hysterical and started taking off all of her clothes and saying she wanted me to make love to her one last time and that if I did this with her then she’ll never bother me again about wanting to get back together . . . so I gave in. I swear, you guys, she did not tell me that she was pregnant; I had no idea so I especially had no idea that the baby was mine. This is fuckin’ crazy!”

  Brad, Ava, and I continued to stare at him. We could tell that he was telling us the truth.

  “Marc, you didn’t have to lie to us about never having any involvement with her after the two of you broke up. A lot of people who break up end up having sex with each other after they do,” I said.

  Marc nodded. “I know, Vanessa. Had I known that this shit was gonna happen, I would’ve told the truth. I didn’t think it was gonna be a big deal. Now I feel so bad because she’s dead for no reason.”

  “Well, I hate to say it, but this is why girls need to know about their body. It was obvious that she probably had sex with John after she had it with you, and then she found out that she was pregnant and just assumed that it was John’s since he was the last guy that she had sex with. A lot of girls think that they’re pregnant by the last guy that they had sex with when it could’ve been the guy before that or before that — you just don’t know,” Ava said.

  “You’re absolutely right, Ava. The only way a girl knows that it’s absolutely the guy that she claims that it is if he’s the only guy that she’s had sex with, and we all know that most girls don’t fool around with just one guy — just being honest. Girls need to get more educated about their bodies because this shit is gonna continue to happen if they don’t. We’re some of the very few that know that it’s not necessarily the last guy that a girl was with that she could be pregnant by, and unfortunately, that’s what Natalie obviously thought . . . and it cost her her life,” I said. I sighed as I shook my head.

  “Us men need to get educated, too, and I especially do after this,” Marc said with his head down. “This really makes me wanna get John’s DNA more than ever now because even though he was not the father, that was my baby that he killed and my ex and I’m fuckin’ mad as fuckin’ hell about it!”

  “Calm down, man,” Brad said. He walked over to him. “Look, I don’t think you should mention that you were really the father to John or to anyone, okay? Let’s just have John still think that he was because it doesn’t matter if he was or wasn’t, he’s still gonna go to prison for killing her and her unborn child. DNA may have cleared him of being the father of Natalie’s unborn child — even though he hasn’t given his — but it didn’t clear him of murdering them and it’s not going to.”

  “Exactly!” I said.

  “That’s right!” Ava agreed. “Marc, just out of curiosity, what if Natalie told you it was yours instead of John?”

  “I would’ve wanted her to have it like what I knew that she wanted to do, and that I would’ve supported the child, but not her. No, I still would not have wanted to get back together with her, and I think she would’ve accepted that than have me kill her just because she was pregnant with my child — like she did this shit alone when it took the both of us to make something happen that we knew could’ve happened because we didn’t use anything. I’m really fuckin’ mad about this, you guys. I can’t promise now that I won’t hurt John.”

  Ava, Brad, and I looked at each other. We all knew that Marc was serious and this concerned us all.

  “Marc, remember, man, you didn’t know that the baby was yours. John killed her because she told him that it was his when all he had to do was wait to get a DNA test done to see if it was his — he just took her word for it that it was his and killed her because of it. This is proof that he’s crazy and doesn’t wanna take any chances on someone ruining his life, as he said,” Brad said.

  “Yeah, all he cares about is himself — he makes that very obvious,” Marc said.

  “Oh, and he continues to tell me that so I won’t forget it,” I said. “Well, he’s still gonna go to prison for what he did to Natalie and her unborn child because murder is murder and I think the case against him is getting stronger about him being a fucked-up narcissistic psychopath. You may have been the father of Natalie’s unborn child, but you’re not the one who murdered them, Marc.”

  Brad and Ava nodded in agreement.

  Marc looked at me and smiled. “You’re right, Vanessa, I didn’t. I would’ve never done that to her or to any girl — that’s fuckin’ sick!”

  Brad, Ava, and I nodded in agreement.

  “Homicide is the number one cause of death for pregnant women, and Natalie is now a part of that statistic,” I said.

  Brad, Ava, and Marc shook their heads in disgust.

  Later on at night as I tossed and turned in bed, my phone rang; I picked it up and saw that it was Marc. “Hey, Marc. What’s up?”

  “Sorry, Vanessa, for calling you so late, but I just can’t sleep thinking about me being the father of Natalie’s unborn child, even though I’ll never be it since John’s fuckin’ ass killed them. I also can’t sleep because I just need to know that you don’t think any less of me because I lied to you all about never having any involvement with Natalie after we broke up. Damn, I feel like such a fuckin’ ass lying like that to you all and keeping it a secret,” he said.

  “It’s okay, Marc. We all lie about stuff and have secrets, so no, I don’t think any less of you that you lied to us about being involved with her after the two of you broke up. The bottom line is that she told John he was the father, not you, and he killed her because of it. I mean, I wish it was reversed where she told you that you were the father and it turned out that John was. At least we know that she would still be alive because I know that you wouldn’t have killed her.”

  “Absolutely not, Vanessa. I don’t have it in me to kill anyone no matter how much I hate them, but John is really pushing that right now with me.”

  “Try and calm down, Marc, okay? I don’t want you getting into any trouble. We will get John’s DNA and he will go to prison for what he did to Natalie and your unborn
child. I just feel so bad for you, Marc, because I know that you would’ve made a great father even though you didn’t wanna have anything to do with Natalie.”

  “I would’ve done the best that I could’ve done. I know my parents would not have been happy, but I know that they would’ve been accepting of it and would’ve helped me care for my baby.”

  I smiled. “That’s great to hear. You’ll have other kids someday, Marc, but I know that it hurts to know that the baby that your ex was carrying was yours.”

  “I can’t put it into words how much it hurts, Vanessa,” he said, as his voice trembled.

  “I don’t know how you feel, Marc, but I just want you to know that I know that you would’ve done the right thing. I think you’re always gonna feel some hurt because of this, but I know it has exasperated because a part of you was taken away before it even had a chance to enter this world.”

  He broke down in tears. I’d never heard or seen him cry before. “It has, Vanessa. I’m so glad I’m talking to you. I know your Brad’s, but I feel that I can talk to you like the way I talk to him. You’re such a good and caring person. Damn, Brad is so lucky to have you,” he sobbed.

  I smiled as I nodded. “I care as much about you as I care about him, always remember that.”

  “I will, Vanessa,” he replied. “Um . . . can I ask you something?”

  “What is it?”

  “Because of me finding out that I was the father of Natalie’s unborn child, I didn’t happen to get you pregnant at the BF3P when we were alone in the guest room when I did you raw, did I?”

  I grinned. “No, you didn’t, Marc. I have to admit that for peace of mind, I took a pregnancy test even though you told me you pulled out of me in time . . . and it was negative. I never even told Brad or Ava that I took it, so please don’t tell them.”

  “Okay, Vanessa. Well, thanks for telling me. That was something that was always on my mind even though I never said anything, either. It’ll be our secret.”

  “Most definitely.” I changed the subject. “Well, I know that you’re looking forward to seeing the new girl that’s gonna be in our grade, right?”

  He laughed. “You know how to make laugh, Vanessa. Yeah, I have to admit that I’m curious about her — but don’t tell Ava.”

  I laughed. “Well, remember now, you and Ava are just very intimate friends so I’m sure that she’s not gonna mind if you show an interest in Meadow.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I laughed again. “No, I’m not!”

  We laughed as I thought about Marc possibly having an interest in Meadow if he sees her and how Ava would really feel about it, but I was really concerned about Brad having an interest in her if he sees her because it was possible that he could even though we’re together. But what I thought about most of all was if Marc was serious about not hurting John because of what he did to Natalie because I still didn’t trust him that he wouldn’t, and I also thought about these ongoing secret texts that I have to admit that I thought was over.


  It was Monday morning, and Ava and I were walking down the hall to our lockers. I texted Brad and asked him had he talked to the new students about what happened to Natalie, and he said that he had. I also asked him what were their reactions and he simply told me that they knew about it and weren’t afraid to come to this school because of it . . . I hope they meant that.

  “Well, I can’t wait to see this Meadow Wells that’s in our grade,” Ava said.

  I grinned since I thought about how Marc told me that he was curious about her. “Neither can I. She’s here — I asked Brad if she was. I didn’t ask him how she looked or anything because I didn’t want him to think that I’m already insecure about a new girl being at our school that’s in our grade.”

  “You’re right — you don’t wanna look like that. But I bet she’s not gonna be anything spectacular because if she was, we would’ve already heard about her.”

  I smiled. “True — as well as seen a picture of her.”

  We continued on to our lockers and noticed how there was someone standing there as they were looking inside of Natalie’s old locker. We couldn’t see what she looked like since the door was blocking her. We knew that it was a girl because of the glitter pink flats that she was wearing.

  “Who’s that digging in Natalie’s locker?” Ava asked.

  “I have no idea,” I replied.

  As we approached our lockers, the girl who was standing in front of Natalie’s old locker slowly closed it. She looked at us with a smile as we came up to our lockers.

  “Hi, I’m Meadow Wells,” she said with a smile. She extended her hand out for me and Ava to shake it.

  “Nice to meet you, Meadow. I’m Ava — Ava Anderson,” Ava replied, as she shook her hand first.

  “And I’m Vanessa Ellis,” I replied with a smile as I shook her hand.

  “Nice to meet you two,” Meadow replied with a smile as she still shook my hand. She slowly let go of it as she smiled at me.

  “So, you’re new here,” Ava said, trying to make conversation.

  “Yeah, I am. I’m from Truckee — it’s in the northern part of California — I suppose you never heard of it,” Meadow said with a smile.

  “Actually, I have,” I replied with a smile.

  “Really?!” Meadow replied in a surprised tone.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty good at geography — it’s one of my favorite subjects,” I told her.

  “Not mine,” Ava said.

  We all laughed.

  “What made you move down here in the middle of the school year?” Ava asked.

  “My parents. I really wanted to stay there until I was done with high school, but my dad was offered a job that he couldn’t refuse, and away we went. Truckee is the only city I really know — haven’t been really anywhere else. It’s quite a culture shock to be in Las Vegas, I have to admit, but I know I’ll get used to it,” Meadow replied.

  “You will — I think you’ll like it here,” I replied with a smile.

  “Yeah, I think I will, too. Everyone is so nice here so far. I met your boyfriend, Vanessa, during orientation. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but he is fuckin’ gorgeous!” Meadow said.

  Ava and I laughed.

  “No, Meadow, it’s okay. I don’t mind you saying it at all — I hear that a lot,” I replied with a smile.

  “Oh, I’m sure you do! I’ve never seen a guy as hot as him in real life — totally mind blowing! I bet it’s hard as hell for you to keep all those girls away from him,” Meadow said with a smile.

  I looked at Ava; she smiled as she looked down at the floor. She knew that she was now officially included in those girls that I’d been unsuccessful at keeping away from Brad. “Yeah, Meadow, it is, but I do the best I can.”

  Meadow smiled. “I’m sure you do.”

  “Um, Meadow, what period do you have lunch?” Ava asked, trying to change the subject.

  Meadow pulled up her schedule on her phone. “I have it fourth period.”

  “Great!” Ava said. “That’s when Vanessa and I have it. You can sit with us.”

  I looked at Ava when she said this since she didn’t care whether or not I wanted Meadow to sit with us. But if it was okay with her then it was okay with me because I honestly didn’t know how it felt to be the new girl at any school.

  “Really? Thanks, ladies! I have to admit, I was stressing out so much last night and this morning about who I was gonna sit with at lunch, and now it’s not even first period yet and I have two friends already! Thanks again!” Meadow said with a big smile.

  “No problem,” Ava said.

  “That’s right,” I replied with a smile.

  Meadow looked at her phone once again. “I just got a text from the administration office telling me to go there right now. I’ll talk to you ladies later.”

  “Okay,” Ava and I replied with a smile.

  Meadow walked off to the office.

  Ava and I look
ed at each other — I think we knew what the other was thinking.

  “Wow, she’s really pretty. You can see how many guys are staring at her,” Ava said, as Meadow walked down the hall and was in fact grabbing attention from the boys.

  “Yeah, she is . . . and that concerns me. She’s already met Brad, and I knew she was gonna say what she said to me about him being hot and all,” I said with a sigh.

  Ava looked at me. “Vanessa, come on, honey, don’t worry. I’m sure Brad is not gonna cheat on you with Meadow — he knows better.”

  I didn’t wanna start an argument so I didn’t say what I wanted to say about what she and Brad did because like we all agreed, we would never bring it up again. “I don’t know, Ava. Brad can say what he wants, but I just don’t trust him a hundred percent that he won’t cheat on me again.”

  “I know, honey. Let’s not think about it, okay? We want Meadow to be comfortable being here so let’s not try and talk about any negative stuff at lunch with her today, even though she knows about Natalie’s murder.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. And you know she’s more than likely gonna meet Natalie’s killer — I just hope she stays away from him.”

  “Me too. You know, I wonder if she knows that she has Natalie’s old locker?”

  I sighed. “Well, I didn’t wanna tell her, but she’s gonna find out sooner or later.”

  “Yeah, she is. I didn’t wanna say anything to her about it, either. I hope she doesn’t get mad at us for not saying anything to her because once she finds out, she’ll know that we know that it’s Natalie’s old locker.”

  “That’s true.”

  We collected what we needed for first period and then headed to class.


  I headed to the administration office second period with my bag in tow since I received a text from them to come there, but I knew that Brad had one of the administrative assistants have me come there because he wanted to talk to me in his office.