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School Sex and Secrets III (School Sex and Secrets #3) Page 2
School Sex and Secrets III (School Sex and Secrets #3) Read online
Page 2
I walked into the administration office and went straight to Brad’s office. I sighed as I knocked on the door.
“COME IN!” Brad yelled.
I opened the door and walked in. “Hey,” I said with a slight smile, as I shut the door behind me.
“Hey, beautiful,” he replied with a smile. “Lock the door.”
“Brad,” I said as I looked at him, because he always wanted me to lock the door when he had something naughty in mind.
He laughed. “I just don’t want anyone to disturb us. I wanna talk to you about Meadow Wells.”
I locked the door, and then sat down in a chair in front of his desk. “What about her?”
“I know you met her since she has Natalie’s old locker.”
“Yeah, we have — Ava and me.”
He nodded. “Well, I was talking to her before first period since she’s a senior and all, and about what happened to Natalie because she was asking a lot of questions, you know, the kind that I just didn’t feel comfortable answering in front of all the other new students.”
“Like what?”
“Like what was going on with the investigation on Natalie’s murder, did we have any idea who could’ve done it since everyone at our school has been eliminated — stuff like that.”
I sighed. “Well, little does she know that not everyone has been eliminated, so I think she should know that John killed Natalie, Brad. I mean, for crying out loud, she has Natalie’s old locker! How the fuck did that happen?!”
He sighed. “Vanessa, I’m not the one who assigned her Natalie’s old locker — the school computer did. There were hardly any lockers available and since she’s the only new senior and all of the senior lockers were taken except Natalie’s, it was the one that came up in the computer, Winston told me. He even said that he didn’t feel comfortable with having someone get Natalie’s old locker, especially since her murder is still unsolved — well, we know it’s solved, though, because we know John is the one who killed her — but he said that she would probably feel more comfortable with a locker around the seniors since she is one, and especially around you, Ava, and Marie since you all were Natalie’s friends.”
“I understand. But does Meadow know that’s Natalie’s old locker?”
“She does now — I told when I had her in here alone.”
“And what was her reaction?”
“She was really shocked, and even asked were there any other available lockers close to you and Ava because she just didn’t feel right having a dead girl’s old locker — it freaked her out. I told her that there weren’t any other lockers available for seniors, and if she really wanted to switch, it would be probably in the hall with the underclassmen.”
I shook my head. “I do feel bad that she has her locker. Ava and I were shocked when we saw her feet standing there as she looked inside of it — we didn’t know who it was. But what I’m really gonna feel bad about is if she meets John.”
He let out a big sigh. “Marc told me that Zac told him that she’s already met him,” he informed me, as his head hung low.
“WHAT?!” I shouted.
“Shhh! Baby, I know,” he said. “I guess it was pretty inevitable. And Marc told me that Zac told him that John said that he really finds her attractive and wants to get to know her.”
I gasped! I put my hands on my forehead. “Brad! We can’t let that happen! John is a fuckin’ murderer! I think we need to tell Meadow today that John killed Natalie!”
“Trust me, Vanessa, I wanted to tell her when she was in here, but I just don’t know if we should. Maybe Meadow won’t be interested in him and just totally brush him off — at least that’s what I’m praying for.”
“Yeah, and so am I now! I can’t believe this shit is happening! Oh, my God! I don’t wanna ruin her first day, but she’s gonna have to know about John killing Natalie, I’m sorry!”
“Don’t be sorry about anything, baby. I know that she needs to know, I just don’t know when will be the right time to tell her.”
“Brad, there is no right or wrong time — she’s got to know! And the sooner she knows then the better.”
He nodded in agreement. He let out a sigh as he sat in his chair as he looked down at his desk. He looked up at me and smiled; I smiled back. “Come here.”
I got up out of my seat and walked over to him. I slowly sat down on his lap like I usually did when I was in his office like this and the door was shut and locked. I laid my head on his shoulder as we held each other.
We started kissing.
I abruptly stopped. “What are we doing, Brad?”
He grinned. “You know what we were doing, Vanessa. What kind of question is that?”
I sighed. “Look, I know what we were doing literally. I’m just saying that we shouldn’t be hugging and kissing in here when we have a fuckin’ murderer still walking around this school as well as a new girl that’s in our grade that has the victim’s old locker and the killer is showing an interest in her!”
He chuckled. “I don’t mean to laugh, Vanessa, but what you said sounded like a movie — but I know this is real life for us. This is fucked up, that’s for damn sure. I think we do need to talk to Meadow at lunch today since she does have it at the same time that we do. We need to let her know that John is bad news and that she needs to stay away from him — I don’t know if I wanna tell her that he’s Natalie’s killer, you know, with this being her first day at this school and all.”
I nodded. “Well, come to think of it now, I don’t wanna ruin her first day, either, but she has to know very soon.”
“No doubt about that, baby, and she’s going to.”
We smiled at each other and kissed again. I laid my head on his shoulder once again as he held me. I felt like texting Meadow right now and telling her that John killed Natalie — I almost couldn’t help myself — but I thought about the fact that this was her first day and I did want her to have a nice one, despite her knowing that Natalie was murdered and her, of all people, ended up getting her old locker. I felt that she’d been put through enough already on her first day at this school and it was only second period, and she had no idea what Brad, Ava, Marc, and I had to tell her.
Ava and I talked about Meadow as we walked to the upperclassman cafeteria for lunch. We both agreed that we wouldn’t tell her about John killing Natalie because after all, we didn’t wanna ruin her first day here.
As we were about to walk into the cafeteria, Brad came out of it . . . and I didn’t like the look on his face. “Brad, what’s wrong, baby?” I asked.
Brad let out a deep sigh. “Look, I wanted to warn you two before you walked in here — sorry I didn’t text you earlier, but I was too busy and I just got in here a few minutes ago, too,” he said to me.
Ava and I looked at each other as we stood outside of the cafeteria.
“What’s goin’ on, Brad?” Ava asked.
Brad sighed again. “Come see for yourselves.”
Ava and I looked at each other as we walked in the cafeteria with Brad beside me. We both stopped cold as we gasped!
John was sitting at a table talking to Meadow!
“What the fuck?!” I said, as I tried not to get loud about it.
“You have got to be fuckin’ kidding me! She was supposed to be having lunch with us today! What the fuck is she doing sitting there talking to John?!” Ava asked.
“That’s the million-dollar question. Look, I think we should let her know about John today — forget this shit about it being her first day,” Brad said.
“I think so, too. I have a feeling that John is already poisoning her mind about all of us,” I said, as we all went to go sit at our usual table.
We all sat down at it and continued to stare at John and Meadow.
Marc was already sitting at the table as he shook his head. “I knew that motherfucker was gonna get to her first — I just knew it!”
“I don’t wanna see her get hurt — you know he
’s got some fucked-up shit in mind for her as well if we tell her that he killed Natalie and she confronts him about it. We need to tell her today that he’s the one who killed Natalie, and I mean it!” I quietly said.
“I agree with Vanessa,” Ava said.
“Me too,” Marc said.
I smiled at both of them.
Brad sighed as he continued to stare over at the two of them. “I thought she was supposed to have lunch with the two of you today — did she even call you or text you to let you know that she was gonna have lunch with him instead?”
Ava and I checked our phones to make sure.
“Nope — she never called or texted me,” I said.
“Me neither,” Ava said.
“Damn, that’s rude as hell,” Marc said. “Sounds to me that she’s the type that’ll ignore her friends if a guy is interested in her.”
“Well, I don’t really consider her a friend of mine yet because I don’t know her, but Ava did say that we were friends with her even though I really didn’t want her to say that,” I said, while I looked at Ava with a grin.
Ava grinned back at me. “Well, I was just trying to make her feel welcomed — but John seems to be doing a good job at that now.”
“And we can’t let this continue. It’s obvious that he knows that the two of you know her and he knows that I talked to her right before first period about Natalie’s murder. He obviously knows that she has Natalie’s old locker. He’s gonna try and turn her against all of us — I believe that. He’s probably over there right now talking shit about us and how she needs to stay away from us,” Brad said.
We all looked over at John as him and Meadow talked as if they didn’t even know all of us were sitting at this table staring at them.
John stared at Meadow as she ate her salad. “So, how do you like your classes so far?”
Meadow put her fork down. “They’re interesting. We didn’t have this many classes where I used to live. I wanna be a professional makeup artist someday, so I really look forward to the Cosmetology III class that I have last period — I was actually surprised to get into it since my guidance counselor said that it was almost full.”
He nodded with a smile. “Well, you can definitely show a ton of these girls at this school how to apply their makeup because they look like fuckin’ clowns. You don’t need any makeup at all — you’re beautiful as is. I didn’t think in all of my years here that I would see a girl here as pretty as you.”
She blushed. “Wow, John. If you’re tryin’ to make my first day great and memorable then you have definitely succeeded at that. I haven’t really met too many guys here yet, but you are by far the nicest and most caring guy — much better than my ex back up in Truckee.”
He smiled, and then took a sip of his soda . . . he wiped the mouth area clean. “Well, most guys don’t know how to treat girls. They say things to them that they wanna hear, but all the while they’re telling other girls the same thing — I’m not like that. Most of the girls here anyway are sluts who starve for attention so that’s why I was never involved with any of them.”
She gave him a very surprised look. “You haven’t been?! You’re kidding! Wow! You’re gorgeous, so I just knew you had a few girlfriends here or was seeing a few girls throughout your years here, at least.”
“Nah, I just didn’t find any of them worth my time . . . until now,” he said, as he stared at her with a mixture of a seductive and wicked smile.
She smiled big! “No way, John! You think I’m worth your time? I mean, we just met today so we’re still getting to know each other, but if you don’t mind, I would like to get to know you a lot more.”
He nodded as he still gave her that seductive, wicked smile. “I don’t mind at all — not at all. In fact, I was really hoping that you would say that because I’ve wanted to get to know you more since the very first time I laid my eyes on you.”
“Oh, wow,” she said, as she blushed even more. “This is turning out to be a great first day — much greater than I expected by far.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” he replied with that same smile.
“So, who do you hang with here? Or are you a loner?” she asked with a chuckle.
He chuckled as well. “My friends are over there,” he said, as he pointed at Brad’s table.
She looked over at all of them as they continued to stare at her and John. “Really?! Wow! I didn’t know that! When I talked to Brad and asked him who are his group of friends, he said Marc and some other guys . . . but he didn’t mention you,” she informed him.
He glared at her. “He didn’t?”
“No, he didn’t. Maybe he forgot to, I guess. I mean, I was asking him a lot of other questions,” she said, as she now felt uncomfortable at the way this conversation was going.
“What other questions were you asking him?” he asked, because he really wanted to know.
“Oh, I was asking him about school events here, even though I checked them out online,” she said.
“And what else?”
“Oh, and about the girl who was killed a few months ago — Natalie. He told me that I have her old locker! How fuckin’ freaky is that?!”
He continued to stare at her as he was now damn serious about wanting to know what was said about him and Natalie. He shot Brad an icy glare; Brad returned the gesture. He stared back at Meadow. “What the fuck did Brad say about Natalie?”
She slightly gasped at his sudden change in mood as he continued to stare very coldly at her. “He just said that her murder was still unsolved and that he was sorry that I ended up with her locker, but the school computer picked it for me because it’s in an area where most of the seniors are and it was the only senior one available.”
He continued to stare at her. “That’s all?”
“Yeah, that’s all,” she let him know. She picked up her fork and began nervously eating her salad again. She put her fork down and took a sip of her soda as she looked at him as he still stared at her, but he softened his cold stare. “What is it? Something wrong? You seem to be upset all of the sudden.”
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just can’t stand hearing about Natalie, that’s all. It’s talked about all the time and even though it’s fucked up what happened to her, I just don’t like hearing about it, that’s all.”
She nodded with a smile. “I understand. I won’t bring it up anymore to you again, okay?”
“Okay,” he replied with a smile.
Brad, Ava, Marc, and I continued to stare at John and Meadow as we ate. I was surprised that I even had an appetite. I had to agree with Marc about the impression that I got of Meadow already, because she did seem to be the type that would ditch her friends for a guy that was interested in her. I wasn’t thrilled about being friends with her or getting to know her, but she still needed to know that John was the one who killed Natalie, and even though we just met her, I felt that she had every right to know who she was getting involved with before it was too late.
John and Meadow got up from their table and headed out of the cafeteria — neither one of them looked at us.
“Hmm, I wonder where they’re going?” I said.
“We’ll find out later,” Brad assured me.
John and Meadow walked through the hall as they continued to get to know one another. She seemed a little concerned about his mood swings when she told him how Brad didn’t mention to her that he was a friend of his and about Natalie’s murder, but he seemed to be in a better mood so she felt comfortable around him once again.
“So, where are we going? Are you gonna show me some more of the school?” she asked with a smile.
He smiled at her. “No, I wanna show you my car.”
“Okay, cool!” she excitedly replied. “Is it like Brad’s?”
“Not even close. I’m not rich like him,” he informed her.
She smiled. “That’s okay — neither am I. Just because we’re not now doesn’t mean that we’ll never be.
I mean, I have dreams of owning my own cosmetics company, and you telling me that you wanna be a neurosurgeon? Wow! That’s a great career! You’ll be rich much faster than I’ll be!”
He laughed. “Well, I know that the money will come, but my first priority is helping people who need my help.”
“And that should be your first priority. I wanna help people, too. I mean, it won’t be anything like what you’re studying to become, but I wanna help people feel good about themselves by making them look and feel beautiful.”
He smiled at her as they walked out to his car. “I knew you were a very caring person — that’s what I love.”
“Thanks, John,” she replied with a smile.
He approached his car. “Well, here it is. Told you it was nothing like Brad’s over there.”
She chuckled. “That’s okay. Brad is a very lucky guy.”
He nodded with a slight smile, but refused to say anything. He unlocked the door to his car. “C’mon, get in.”
She smiled as they got into the car and shut the doors. She looked around it. “Your car is very nice, John, it looks like you take very good care of it.”
He smiled with a nod. “Thanks. I have to take care of it. I’ve had it since last year when I turned seventeen. My parents sacrificed getting themselves a new car to get me one since they said that I did so well in school. They said that they know that I’ll repay them when I become a neurosurgeon.”
She laughed. “I bet you will! You’ll be making millions so you’ll be able to afford to get them anything they want!”
“That’s right, I will be able to!”
They laughed.
She smiled as she looked in the back as he stared at her. “The back looks sorta small — is it roomy?”
“Very much. Wanna see?”
“Sure,” she replied with a smile.
They got out of the car and then climbed into the back. They shut the doors.
“Wow! It is pretty roomy back here, considering the fact that your car is a two-door one,” she said.
He continued to stare at her as he smiled. “Yeah, it is. It actually surprised all of my friends when they got back here and saw just how much room there really was.”